Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Many Thanks

Hey guys, just a quick pop-in to say Thanks to those who have hit the tip jar recently. It's a very lean month, so any donations over the next few weeks will go to paying the essentials like mayonnaise, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and jumper cables.

All that and a few bucks, and a guy could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas!

But in all seriousness, this weekend I'm probably not going to make any bets except for my five-dollar eight-teamer. Feeling so confident in my NFL parlay last weekend, I mailed off a fairly sizeable check on Saturday to pay down another old debt, so when the Rams tripped over their own d*ck, it created a minor cash flow hiccup. So I'm holding on to this hundred bucks in my wallet like it's gold. Well, I can't blame it all on the Rams, because I planned on writing that check anyways. But dammit, losing to the Niners? Come on.

Eddie B is coming to town this weekend, and I have to work the whole time, so all we can do is get together for lunch. That'll be my only indulgence I get to treat myself with until I collect another paycheck or our tokes start going up again.

But I also wanted to say a special thank-you to the devilish comedian who donated $6.66 the other day. That gave me a chuckle.


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