Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Shell Game

Finally--there is a light at the end of the tunnel! I may be poor, but due to relentless paying down of debt and living like a no-life social outcast, I can almost smell freedom. Spending the afternoon on the phone with various creditors from the past has been quite enlightening, and even though I'm still getting bent over by student loans, the IRS, and my less-than-stellar decision-making during the technology bubble, I can see a point in the not-too-distant future where The Man doesn't take almost a thousand bucks a month from me without giving me the courtesy of a reach-around.

I'm ready to breathe easier. I've been doing the creative money-moving borrowing-from-Peter-to-pay-Paul kabuki dance for far too long.

It'd be easier if I was working in a different place, a casino that's *not* circling the bowl, but hey, you gotta play with the cards you're dealt. I'm doing all I can to improve my situation and I hope to be working two jobs by Christmas. If I'm stuck here for the holidays, I might as well be earning as much jack as I can get my hands on.

In the meantime, I'm still going to live like a no-life social outcast for awhile, as life always tends to throw a curveball or two as soon as you think you're ahead in the count. Right now, the obstacle du jour is the fact that Sid needs an oil change and a new tire, and it's almost time to update my threadbare collection of trendy black polyester work pants. (I need new, better-looking clothes for auditions, anyways).

Yep, I'm trolling for donations. I'm not proud--poverty tends to do that to a person. So if you can spare it, please hit the tip jar over on the sidebar. And anyone who donates the default amount or greater gets to choose a topic for me to write about. (I'm currently working on an epic Wendover road trip story from deep in the wayback machine...) Yes, I am a whore, although, technically, it means that I'm a professional writer... Where do you think that post with all the Loverboy song titles sprinkled throughout came from a few months back?



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