Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Reason #572 Why I Love Having a Laptop

... Because when I get tired of sitting at my desk staring at the same spot on the wall, I can unplug the thing and go lay on my bed and still use the internet. Yep, we have a secure wireless network here at the house, too, so in addition to *not* having to run a blue ethernet cable down the hallway to Rob's room, I can be a lazy bum and blog from my unmade bed. It's my day off, after six long days of being in the casino, so I feel justified. And I also have an optical mouse, so I don't need a flat surface or a mousepad--I can just run it across my comforter and it works just fine.

Man, it's been a long time since the days of AOL keywords and a 28.8 modem.

So, what's new today?

Well, in addition to being my day off, I'm having a great day. I found some extra cash in my tip jar (thanks much, whoever you anonymous donors are), and while I was going through the mail I got a check from 'Shareowner Services' for eighty bucks. It seems that Station Casinos has now gone private, and all outstanding stock was sold at the offering price of $90 per share last month. I had a fractional share due to a bunch of dividend reinvestment from a few years back just sitting in an account that I'd forgotten about. I thought the letter was just more junk mail/corporate propaganda, and it's been sitting on my desk unopened for two weeks. So it was a nice surprise.

Of course, not all is sunshine and balloons here at Casa de Mikey. I was rudely awakened at 8:00 by what I thought was a Mexican with a leaf blower right outside my window. But the thing didn't change pitch or switch off for three frickin' hours! It was just a loud constant drone, like an airplane engine. I finally gave up on trying to sleep and took out the trash just to see what the hell was going on. I guess that somebody nearby had moved out, and they parked a truck with a huge industrial steam cleaner right outside of my door. Apparently, their carpets were pretty shiatty, because they ran that thing all morning long.

What was even worse is that our internet service was also down this morning, and I got to spend a half hour or so talking to the robot that does tech support at Cox. It finally started working, but damn, it's never a quick call to the cable company.

Once that ordeal was over and the steam cleaner finally got shut down, I decided to make a pot of coffee and cook some breakfast. I made southern-style biscuits and gravy, and I have to say, this was easily my best batch ever! The gravy turned out perfect--and it didn't get all thick and gooey as it sat in the pan. I think the secret was mixing the flour and milk separately before adding it to the sausage and melted butter. And I added about a quarter cup of water to the mix and that made all the difference--it didn't harden up like tile grout when I was done. Good stuff!

Word around the campfire is that I'm supposed to meet one of my readers over at Ellis Island today for a few drinks and maybe a cigar. Unfortunately, he has my number but I don't have his. So I have no idea when or even if we're going to meet up--we haven't touched base in a week. And I hate sitting around waiting, because I know how it goes when people come to Vegas. Plans get made, but Vegas sometimes gets in the way and the best laid plans go out the window. Since I haven't heard anything by now, I'm guessing that I'm probably not gonna be sampling the smoky ambiance of Ellis Island today, after all.

Tomorrow night, however, is gonna be a good one. Dinner at Grimaldi's, followed by cigars and booze. Can't beat that.


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