Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The New Kid

Well, my first day back at school went pretty well. And yeah, I felt a little bit like Billy Madison going back in there, having pretty much finished the poker course a year ago. But I was a bit rusty and spent an hour working on technique all by myself at an empty table, while all the other students played their game at the main table, taking turns dealing a 2/5 no limit game.

But I eventually scored an invite to the table, and I actually got a seat next to the hottest girl in the class, which was cool. But being the hottest girl in poker school isn't really that much of an accomplishment--it's like saying I was sitting next to the smartest person in Kentucky. Not a lot of competition, if ya know what I mean.

Anyhow, it was sort of fun to be back, and the current crop of students didn't have any of the typical asshats who thought it was their job to create obstacles and make stupid bets trying to "teach" their fellow students "because it happens just like that in the real world all the time". Oh yeah, I've played a little Omaha in my day, and I've never seen SIX f*cking people go all the way to the showdown with four of them being all-in. That was the kind of stupid shiat that went on every day the last time I attended regularly, and it just drove me nuts.

But everyone seemed to actually be there to learn, not to show off their individual nuggets of knowledge, and the class went pretty smoothly. Hell, I thought I'd be all jacked up on side bets and what-not, but I did well, figuring out a monster pot with two side-pots. It looks like I'll just have to re-learn all the silly button and blind-posting rules, and smooth out the rough edges on my game for now.

So it was a good day, and somewhat productive. And I honestly think I'd be ready for an audition in less than a week if I had to. Let's just hope that some opportunities present themselves in the near future.

I stayed at school for about three hours, and came home before the traffic got too insane. And I realized, living down here in Henderson, there is just NO good way to get from my house to the school and back--I'm up the street from Green Valley Ranch, and the school is located in the DMZ between the LV Hilton and Maryland Parkway. It's at least a half-hour commute. So I'm thinking three days a week instead of five will probably be my likely schedule (Tue-Wed-Thu), as far as attending class is concerned.

Other than that, there's just not a whole helluva lot going on around here. It seems to be the calm before the storm, as all the buffoons from T2V will be here in about four weeks. I'm taking one night off for the party, but other than that, I'll miss out on most of the festivities. That's too bad, because I had a helluva great time last year--that's when I shacked up with Sticky and Angy at NYNY. Bow chicka bow bow!

Oh well, bedtime--gotta get up early.


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