Saturday, September 29, 2007


Damn, the last two days of work have just worn my ass out. I'm so tired right now, that I'm damn near passing out in my chair at my desk, but I wanted to make a quick update. I've got a few posts in the pipeline--nothing big like the cruising story or the dalmation story, but a few fragments rolling around in the attic that I'll take a stab at later in the week when I get some free time. I've also got a bunch of college football picks to post, but damn, I just don't feel like digging out the tickets right now and making that list. I'll do it in the morning after I wake up (It's 3:20 am right now).

Anyhow, I'm so sleepy, I think I'll just pass out under the window listening to the wind howling outside (It's a gale out there, minus that whole ocean thing...)

I'll catch up later.


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