Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Back In My Writing Chair opposed to sitting on the couch watching SportsCenter reruns.

It's Wednesday, which means that I've seen every possible college/NFL highlight at least ten times now, along with all the accompanying chatter. Now it's just looking forward to the weekend and another slew of games I have no idea which way to bet on.

But wait--This Saturday, I shall miss most of the morning games due to the fact that I will be flying back to Nashville. And I shall miss most of the evening games due to the fact that we'll be grilling and partying at my sister Cyndi's house. Oh well, it's a small price to pay. Of course before I get on that big brown bird on Saturday morning, I'll be sure to make a stop at the sports book and buy a few tickets, because even if I can't watch the games, it doesn't mean that I can't bet on them. Just like the Founding Fathers intended. Or something like that.

Anyhow. It's a lazy day here at Casa de Mikey. I got up way too early this morning, because my sister decided to call me at 8:00 am. Damn. Nobody calls that early except bill collectors. So I've heard... I guess the family is gettin' excited for my long-awaited return and needed to discuss plans for the weekend. Basically my plan is to do a lot of drinking and laughing. I don't know about the rest of them crazy fools, but they're welcome to join me.

After that, I plan on just enjoying the fact that I'm not looking at the same old fleas I see every day. I'm gonna sleep in, breathe clean air, and stare at the trees. I haven't seen one in months. I might also spend some time telling tales of life in Vegas, if anyone is interested.

In the meantime, all I have to do is wash my clothes and pack. Word around the campfire is that it's gonna get down to 50 degrees at night, so I'll have dig deep into the closet to find a sweater and maybe a hoodie. I no longer own any cold-weather clothing. Hell, I'll even have to dig to find a pair of jeans. All I wear out here is shorts on my days off and those uber-trendy black pants to work.


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