Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Hard Eight

It's been a helluva week for me. Work has been a total grind, and today was the first day all week that I actually worked a full eight hours. But it wasn't a good eight hours--the first two were spent on my ass doing absolutely nothing, the next four were half-on, half-off, and then I was finally busy for the last two hours.

Didn't make much money though--like I said, it was a grind.

I didn't get much sleep the night before, so I zombied my way home this afternoon, then took a shower and tried to watch some tv. I tried to stay awake, but there's only so much info on Tom Brady's knee that they can say without repeating, so sleep was a blessing. I dozed right through the first hour of the WSOP coverage on ESPN before waking up.

Since I'm not making any money at work right now, I've been playing a little more online poker, too. I won $225 last night, and once I woke up this afternoon, I won another $90 in a $22 sit-n-go. But my lucky streak came to an end a few minutes ago when my pocket Aces got cracked by a dude on a draw. He got there, and I arrived a little early for my appointment with the rail.

Otherwise, there's not much going on around here. I'm taking the rest of the night off from the online poker tables, but sipping a nice tall glass of OJ and silver rum. I may watch a movie then try and get a full-night's rest tonight.

Sorry for the dull posts, but the muse isn't speaking to me right now. Maybe later this week.


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