Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Road Trip?

I think it's getting to be about that time again--Time to get out of Vegas for a few days of old-school buffoonery with my buddies.

It seems that Ed W. and I had been playing phone tag for the last several weeks, and this past weekend we finally got it together. I hadn't heard from him in a couple of months, so it was nice to catch up.

Anyhow, the big topic of discussion was the March Madness sailing trip that we've got in the works, and now that I've finally gotten in touch with him, he's onboard, so to speak. We also talked about taking a refresher day in February, since neither of us has set foot on a sailboat in over three or four years now, and it might be prudent to re-familiarize ourselves with it before the rest of the buffoons put their lives in our hands on the open sea for a few days. So that's the plan--a trip to L.A. in February for a some practice big-boat handling and learning the systems on the vessel we want to use in March.

Other than that, we talked about me coming down to Phoenix for another road trip. I haven't been back in over a year (last August), and of course I'm always up for a few days away. George and Marlisha have mentioned that I should come down the last few times we talked, and I still haven't seen Eddie B's new house he moved into a year ago. So we're talking sometime in November (which, holy shiat, is *next* month!) or maybe even early December, since I can't get away for the holidays.

Ooooh.. And speaking of the holidays, we're less than a month-and-a-half until Thanksgiving. You know what that means? The naughty Santa's helper outfits on our cocktail waitresses!!! Oh hell yeah--the most wonderful time of the year, indeed!

Anyhow, I'm always up for escaping the hectic Vegas scene for a couple of days, and late fall/early winter is a fine time to visit Phoenix. And anytime is a good time to go hang out with friends. So I should have some firm plans within the next few weeks.


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