Wednesday, October 10, 2007

All Messed Up

My sleep schedule is completely whacked right now. After getting up at 8:00 am yesterday, going to school, and then watching TV for a bit last evening, I was so worn out that I went to bed at 8:00 pm. And of course I woke up around 1 o'clock in the morning, made that road trip post, went back to bed, and woke up again around 4:30, the time I'm normally going to bed every morning.

And I've been up ever since. So instead of fighting it and staying in bed, I embraced the morning, put on a cup of coffee, and settled in the big comfy chair to watch a little SportsCenter. And I'll be damned if they didn't start the first farking eight-minute segment about Joe Torre and the f*cking Yankees.

Jeebus Farking Christo on a popsicle stick!

The rest of the world doesn't give two shits about what the Yankees are gonna do next year! And there is still the LCS and the World Series left to be played! I wish they would just shut the hell up about the goddammed Yankees. But just out of sheer curiosity, I waited to see how long it would be until they actually mentioned the two American League teams still, you know, alive in the playoffs, and it wasn't until 16 minutes past the hour. Holy shiat, I swear, if ESPN were a blue dress, Steinbrenner's DNA would be all over it!


While that was going on, I decided to drown out the Yankees chatter by banging some pots around in the kitchen and fixed myself some breakfast--grits, eggs, and toast, along with my morning coffee and juice. It was really good, but I didn't quite finish it all. Now I have a sink full of dishes to contend with at some point.

I may lay down and try to catch a catnap for a couple of hours before heading back to school, and hopefully I won't be too tired to catch all of the Travel Channel programming tonight--it's all about cruises, followed by the usual World Poker Tour. I hope I'm awake for it.

But even as bad as my sleep schedule is messed up, it'll be back to normal in 48 hours. I'm scheduled to deal dice on Thursday night, and I know that eight hours at the craps tables just wears my ass out, so I'm sure I won't do anything but crash as soon as I get home, and all will be right with the world.


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