Friday, January 11, 2008

Doubling Down on the Nasty Funk

Man, I feel like total crapola today. If you remember, I woke up on Christmas morning with a mild head cold. Nothing a little Zicam, Alka-Seltzer Plus, and Halls couldn't take care of. Of course, it's a virus, so it has to run it's course, and I was a little under the weather for two weeks. And right on schedule, Tuesday morning, I felt fine.

Then yesterday afternoon I was in the living room watching a little PTI, and started coughing. And couldn't stop. A few cough drops helped, but it was only temporary. It got much worse as I headed to work, but I took some medicine with me. It only helped a little, as it was mostly for head colds, and this crap is centered in my lungs. So instead of getting all this nastiness at the same time, I get to spread it out over a month. Great...

I was miserable at work, and forced myself to stay at least half the shift, due to my early out on Monday. But midnight came and I ran out of cough drops, felt like crap, and my head was glistening with sweat. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't make it any further. I was on a dead game, so when they told me to bring the lid up and start closing it, I asked if I could just go ahead and punch out. They were kind enough to let me.

So I shuffled on out of the casino, looking forward to a nice hot steamy shower. I made a quick stop at the grocery store for a few essentials, including a bottle of that Delsym stuff that works so well. Of course, being a miracle drug, it's priced appropriately at $12 for a 3 oz. bottle, about eight times the price of good rum. And believe me, it doesn't taste nearly as good.

Once I got home and out of the shower, I swigged a couple of teaspoons, as per the directions. But that left me wholly unsatisfied. After a day of nothing but orange juice and ice water, I'm currently trying to go healthy with 12 ounces of yeast, hops, barley, and good old Mississippi river water.



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