Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A New Paradigm

Quote Of The Day from T2Ver 'Blackjack'--

I guess the fabric of society only frays when Uncle Sam doesn't get his rake...

Bam--Talk about a direct hit right between the eyes! That's easily one of the most astute observations I've heard in a long time. Well said, Ron.

Generally, I try to avoid much political talk on this site. Most of my readers know which side of the aisle I fall on, and even when I toss out the occasional throwaway political line, my inbox fills up with insults and hate mail from lefty moonbats. It's eerily similar to the followers of that so-called Religion of Peace. Any time somebody says something they disagree with, it's an offense to all that is Sacred and Holy, and it fires up their righteous indignation. Some folks just don't know how to disagree and mind their manners at the same time.

But that's not the point of this post.

I've been following, with some interest, this whole internet gaming ban that sailed through Congress last week, and it just makes me sick. Bill Frist has had a hard-on for this issue for some time, along with Senator John Kyl from Arizona (slightly less detestable than his counterpart, Senator McCain). And something like this illustrates my biggest problem with Republicans.

When Democrats are in power, all they want to do is socialize everything, tax me to death, and redistribute the wealth of this country. Fuck that. Socialism hasn't worked anywhere it's been tried, and I'll do all in my power as a voting citizen to make sure it stays in check.

But when Republicans are in power, they get on their moral high horse and try to tell the rest of us how to live. I dig their outlook on taxes and such, but I hate hate HATE how they want to tell us how we can't be responsible for ourselves. Wanna use the internet to play a little poker? Tough shit. Not only are we going to try our hand at another form of prohibition (which worked so well in the past, and is clearly a success as far as marijuana is concerned, too), they're going to make financial institutions responsible for enforcing the ban.

The fact that Frist couldn't get this issue passed on it's own merits and had to tack it onto a Port Security bill shows what a chickenshit move that it was.

It makes me want to take a barrel of hot tar and a huge sack of feathers to the Capitol and wait outside with a mob of like-minded pissed-off voters.

I swear the Founding Fathers must be rolling in their graves seeing the stupid shiat that goes on in Washington these days. Really, of all the pressing issues of the day, they couldn't come up with something other than keeping people from sitting in their underwear at home playing a little 2/4 Holdem on a weeknight? I mean, we've got that whole terrorist thing going on, right? And I heard something about border security that we may want to look into at some point. Fix Social Security? No way man--we've got pressing issues to take care of! Somebody, somewhere, might be out there having a good time, spending their own money in a manner of their own choosing! WE CANNOT LET THIS HAPPEN! The very fabric of society depends on it!!! Unless of course, it is state-sponsored gambling. Then it's ok. Because compulsive gamblers never bet on lotteries and such.

Glad we got that settled.

Fuck Bill Frist, fuck every Senator on both sides of the aisle for not having the balls to strip this legislation away from something worthwhile and making it stand on it's own, and fuck George Bush for signing it into law.

Whatever happened to Conservative principles? Ronald Reagan looks down from the heavens and weeps for us. (Barry Goldwater probably does, too, but probably not from such an exalted perch as Ronnie does...)

Whatever happened to individual freedom and responsibility?

Who the HELL are you to tell me how to spend my money?

The asshattedness of this legislation just boggles the mind.

The interesting thing is--and this will illustrate just how far off the reservation we've gone as far as limiting the size of government is concerned--everyone who's voiced their displeasure with this current event, almost to the point of unanimity, has said something along the lines of "Why don't we just make it legal and just tax it and regulate it? Problem solved!"

I have two words in response to that idea. The first word begins with the letter 'F'. The second word is that!.

Here's an idea that seems to be totally lost in the background noise. It's groundbreaking, it's a doozey, and it's gonna take a moment to wrap your mind around.

How about, instead of taxing and regulating it, why don't we just KEEP IT LEGAL AND LEAVE IT ALONE? Why must everything legal have to be taxed? Seriously--tell me why! It seems to be working just fine as is. Nobody can conjure up anything more than anecdotal evidence about compulsive gamblers ruining their lives with internet gambling, and anyone who's been to the DMV or an IRS office can tell you how efficiently the government runs it's affairs.

How about this for a paradigm shift--there are activities that can be legal and not taxed. Why must the government have it's invisible foot involved in every act of commerce that takes place in this once great nation? If more people would just embrace that idea, we'd be on our way back to greatness, not to mention a wealth-creating economic powerhouse even more massive than we can possibly imagine. As it stands, I'm afraid we're becoming a nation of sheep, waiting for our nanny overlords to tell us what we can and can't do.

If this keeps up, the only suitable name for my future sailboat will be Mayflower.


PS. Before any of you lefties start filling up my comments section and inbox with snarky "I told you so" messages, know this--I will not be voting for your sorry-assed candidates any time in the foreseable future. As much as this particular issue has angered me, the security of our country is of paramount importance, and the Dems cannot be trusted to protect us from the ragheads of Jihadistan. Therefore, as much as I'd like to kick Frist, Kyl, and McCain's asses out of office, I'm no longer a constituent of theirs. But I can vote against the Spawn of Jimmy Carter this November, which I shall do with great pleasure. As far as I'm concerned, most Socialists Democrats should be hanging from a pole, but most Republicans just need a swift kick in the nuts.

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