Monday, March 27, 2006

Good Intentions

I'm pretty pissed off at myself today. I set my alarm to get my ass out of bed at 9:45, which would give me enough time to shower, dress, and eat a bite of breakfast before heading out the door and back down to my alma mater, Nick Kallo's Casino Gaming School.

The reason for this, is because after the poker tournament last weekend at the Plaza, I spent several minutes talking to one of the more personable dealers, along with the tournament director guy. If they're telling the truth, the dealer guy said he's making about $220 per day in tips between his live cash games and all of the tournaments he deals. Damn. That's good scratch. I've been feeling pretty good this week because we've made $200 per night in the pit. Add another Jackson to that and only declare six bucks an hour to the crooks at the IRS, and that's a pretty good livin' for a single guy with no kids.

So I was highly motivated to go back to school for a couple weeks, tighten up my mad poker dealing skillz, and then go try and get me a part-time day job in a poker room somewhere. That was the plan. And since I paid $800 for the school last summer, it's about time I took advantage of it, anyways.

Unfortunately, I set my alarm for 9:45 pm so I didn't wake up until after noon today. I am a dumbass.

I'll try again tomorrow.


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