Thursday, February 14, 2008

So You're Saying I Have a CHANCE?!?!?

Well well well, lookie here--just in time for Valentine's Day. According to this article, women at work think about sex 34 times a day! That works out to once every 14 minutes...

And I happen to know that where I work, there are these women called 'cocktail waitresses'. And they have to make their rounds to all of the tables in the pit, then go get the drinks, and then deliver them.

And that takes about, oh, 14 minutes or so, every time.

Coincidence? I think not.

How could it be when 53% of the women polled admit to having a crush on somebody at work, hmmm?

Sadly, my favorite cocktail waitress, who all of these findings obviously apply to, doesn't work on Thursday nights. So she won't be around tonight--Valentine's night--to collect her share of that highly-sought-after prize, Mikey love.

I guess I'll just have to print up a raincheck of some sort...


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