Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Happy Tuesday, everybody.

I was meaning to make a post when I got home from work last night, but I was just too damn tired. All I did was take a quick shower and go straight to bed--no stopping for dilly-dally in front of the tv or computer screen. I was even considering a jaunt down to the hot tub, but I lost my motivation as soon as I kicked my shoes off.

As far as life in the casino goes, I have to say that so far I am impressed with the changes they're making. Now that they've scaled back the weekend hours for the part-timers, keeping one entire pit closed (thereby de facto raising the table limits), I've noticed quite a difference in our daily tokes--mine are up almost $300 this pay period, compared to what they were a few weeks back. On the downside, I'm working much harder--my games are busier later into the evening, and there are fewer empty seats. Granted, my tables are generally always busy--there are a group of regulars who seem to follow me around to whatever game I'm dealing, and if there is a row of four dead games, and I'm in the middle of them, my table will usually be the first one where somebody will come along and sit down. I can't explain it, I think I have some sort of casino tractor-beam thing going on.

That's no moon...

Anyhow, usually on Mondays, for example, I don't even sign the Early Out list anymore, just because I know the bosses will start coming around about 11:00 pm or so, looking to 'dispose of a body'. And since it's my Friday night, they know darn well that if they just keep asking, they'll grind me down and I'll take off a couple of hours early. Well, last night, we were busy the entire time and the boss didn't come by until after 1:00 am, asking me if I wanted to go at 1:20, giving me an hour and a half of early out time, yet still giving me seven full hours worth of tokes. Seeing that I was down to just one player on my game at the time, and my next (and last) table on my string was already closed, and I took them up on their offer.

Besides, I don't want to make waves or be seen as 'difficult' right now--word is that more layoffs are coming, and I'd like to avoid that hassle this time around. Brothaman is being a model employee these days. But I'm pretty sure I'm safe, and I think Falcon Rob's job is secure, also. Both of us deal dice, which is always a useful tool to have in the arsenal, and I've kinda helped him learn to deal Pai Gow and all the carnival games too, so he's made himself more valuable.

Anyhow, enough talk about work--it's my weekend! I don't have much going on today as far as plans are concerned, unless 'relaxing' is a plan. Tomorrow night is cocktails and dinner with Hoya and Dane, and I think we're going to Dick's Last Resort over at the Trashy Castle. So before we set foot in that joint, we're gonna get good and liquored up first. Rumor has it that they might have a bottle or two up in their room...



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