Saturday, January 06, 2007

Waiting For The Milk To Go Bad

I don't know who's more excited about Sticky's upcoming visit--her or me. Both of us are pretty pumped up about it, because, well, it's a Vegas vacation for her, and for me it's an extra day off from work and five days spent with one of my favorite people in the whole world. I just *know* I'm gonna laugh my ass off all week long. And maybe have a drink or two, also.

But it seemed like it was so far away last month--the calendar hadn't changed, and it was still next year, fer cryin' out loud. But now that I've ruined a couple of checks already by forgetting that it's now 2007, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. And I was reminded of it in a most unique way this morning.

On my way home from work, I stopped at the grocery store to pick up a few essentials, and a couple extra things we'll need for the room (Coke, plastic cups, etc.). But I also needed to get a gallon of milk. The first jug I grabbed had an expiration date of January 16th, the day she arrives! It felt like a good omen to me, so I bought it.

I'm afraid it's gonna be the longest ten days ever, followed by the shortest five days ever.

Regardless, I'll have a good story to tell.


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