Sunday, April 16, 2006

Enjoy the Meal, Just Don't Drink the Kool Aid

Hey Gang--Happy Easter, or Passover, or whatever you're into celebrating--I hope your holiday is enjoyable, and those that are able to spend the afternoon sharing a nice dinner with the company of family and friends should feel especially blessed.

Having been raised under the jackboot of Mormonism, I myself have a healthy aversion to all types of Organized Religion, but I certainly don't mind celebrating the holidays. Although Easter isn't one that I've ever really 'celebrated'--growing up the way I did, it wasn't so much about the resurrection of Jesus as it was about the one time a year all the women at our church would could compete to see who could wear the most outrageous hat. The outside world has the Kentucky Derby, Mormons have Easter.

And while I still respect the Christians setting a day aside to remember things like forgiveness and redemption and whatnot, I'm not quite clear how the Romans crucifying a hippie two thousand years ago relates to marshmallow peeps or Cadbury eggs. I'm still in the dark about that one, but hey, it seems to be good for business. But admit it--lets say you were kicking around the holy land several centuries ago, went to a wedding, and saw some dude there changing all of the water into wine--wouldn't you immediately sign up to be part of his posse?

Anyhow, I could easily go off on a long-winded rant on my thoughts about religion in general, or Mormonism in particular, but nobody wants to read that. I left that world behind long ago once I figured out for myself that it was all a load of hooey. As an outsider, however, whenever I see a strident Mormon, I can't help but think that they remind me of Trekkies--you know, they spend all of their time learning about the shiat that some dude just made up.

But enough of that. I've probably said too much already--so I'll shut it before I really start to offend everyone who lives deep in the religious nut forest. But it's a beautiful spring day, and regardless of your affiliation, or lack thereof, maybe it's a good idea to take a moment and consider just how good life really is. Raise a glass of wine, or water, or whatever, and drink a toast to the Good Stuff.

May there always be plenty of it...


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