Monday, February 19, 2007

Random Vegas Encounter

Almost forgot to tell this story from several days ago...

So there I was, taking a piss at an un-disclosed Vegas location. I was standing there, doing my thing, when some dude walks up to the urinal right beside me. What the hell? Since the whole row was completely empty, it was a total breach of mens' room etiquette. I didn't want to give him a dirty look, but it was certainly creepy.

But out of the corner of my eye, I saw that it was Penn Jillette.

Well now I wanted to say something, because I thought he might've been messing with me. But I make it a policy to never initiate conversation with another dude while I'm holding my junk in my hand. So I stood quietly.

He was just standing there whistling, so I finished up and headed for the sink to wash my hands. Right about that time, Pour Some Sugar On Me started playing on the overhead music.

As came over to wash up, I said the first thing that came to my mind-- Hey Mr. Jillette--Do you know what has nine arms and sucks?

No... What?

Def Leppard!

Huge laugh. No free tickets to his show though.



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