Thursday, February 22, 2007

Happy Birthday, Sticky!

Yep, today is Sticky's birfday, but sadly I'm unable to spend it with her. But thanks to the miracle of the internet, and cool inventions like web cams, I was able to perform my interpretation of Marylin Monroe's "Happy Birthday Mr. President" for her early this morning. I'd like to say that it went well, but I haven't heard from her since... I just hope she wasn't recording it and it ends up on YouTube by the end of the week. Something like that could be embarrassing if I ever decide to run for Supreme Ruler of all the Universe or some other public office.

Anyhow, I raise my glass of Crown & Coke to her today-- Happy Birthday to one of the coolest chicks I've ever met! You always keep me laughing because you can deliver a one-liner better than just about anyone, and there's nobody I'd rather have next to me at the poker table, stumbling around downtown, or just enjoying the aftermath of a Vegas bender with toast and coffee.

Here's hoping that the best of last year is the worst of this year.


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