Thursday, December 17, 2009

Like A Young Man Coming In For A Quickie

Hey Gang--I just got done watching one helluva great football game, and as much as I'd love to sit here and pound the keys tonight, I just don't have it in me.

I think I contracted some sort of bug at work the other night, and I've been down for the count for the past 36 hours or so. Nothing like the flu or anything like that, as I'm feeling pretty good right now--I'm just exhausted for no apparent reason and I'm moving at half-speed. I thought it was a head cold last night, but now I think it's just some sort of allergic reaction to somebody's funk. I dunno, I'll be fine. I just want to take a super-hot shower and sleep for about ten hours.

Anyhow, the first order of bid-ness; I upgraded the commenting software this evening, so it's a bit more functional--easier to keep the trolls at bay, plus there is the ability for you guys to add pictures and such. Well, at least I think you can do so. I haven't tested everything, but it seems to have a lot more features. So enjoy that. On the other hand, when I made the upgrade, I forgot to check if there was anything in the moderation queue. So if anyone posted a comment after around 4:00 pm Pacific time on Thursday, it has disappeared into the ether, never to come back. My apologies. (See, I told you I was out of it--I usually check that moderation queue about twenty times a day!).

On the Christmas front, I need to say thanks to a couple more people. First of all, to Stan in Portland, the Belem puzzle arrived today. I now have three huge puzzles waiting to go, so once football season is over, I've got plenty to keep me busy. I'll post updates and pics as I get them completed. Also, a couple of things from Miss Josie were delivered, too--a book that I've had my eye on for about fifteen years or so, plus she sent me a DVD that turns my TV into an aquarium. It even has an option to turn on the bubbling noise, so I may find myself occasionally sleeping out on the couch watching the fishies.

I would've liked to gone out and played some poker tonight (I need ten more hours of live play to qualify for my $75 prize money in that big free-roll I never get to play in), but I'm just not feeling the urge. I can tell that my brain is working at Forrest-Gump level tonight and I just need the rest. So as soon as I hit the 'publish' button on this post, I'm heading to bed. I'll catch up on all the email later, too (I'm about four days behind).

Y'all have a wonderful Friday!


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