Saturday, January 07, 2006


Hey Gang! Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Currently I'm drugged up and posting with one foot in the grave--that nasty bug that put me down on Christmas Eve reared its ugly head again last night and made my life miserable for the eight hours I was standing behind the tables. So once again I made the middle-of-the-night run to the drugstore for more medicine and it's helping a little.

I had a great day yesterday with Mike and Alli. We met up at the Monte Carlo then headed off to the Peppermill for breakfast, which of course was excellent. And since it was their first visit, they walked away suitably impressed and much too full. After that we went downtown for a few hours of dice, blackjack, and pai gow. I wish I could say I made some money, but I also wish I could wake up next to Jennifer Love Hewitt. Sadly, neither of them happened for me this weekend. But we still had a nice visit, and they were enjoying their first real vacation since their honeymoon.

I managed to get a couple hours of sleep in before heading off to work last night, which helped, but as soon as I got there I started feeling lousy. I had to gut it out though because I was back to just three nights of work this week, so I can't really afford to take time off to recover. I spent each break drinking hot honey-lemon water and popped cough drops like a b-list actress taking anti-depressants, and I made it till the bitter end.

Unfortunately, this bout of illness seems a bit more severe and I only got about three hours of sleep once I got home. I guess I should've picked up some Nyquil, too.

But I'm not here to whine about being sick. I got some good news last night. My casino has gone and hired a boatload of new dealers, and for a few days I was feeling a little unappreciated, because word around the campfire was that they were going to give all the people that transferred from our sister properties full-time status immediately, and leave you-know-who on the extra board, again.

But I checked the schedule book before I left for the night, and now I'm right near the top of the extra-board, and there are about 20 new names below me. I've been working without the safety net of insurance for the past year, so hopefully soon I'll get that full-time status I've been holding out for, the insurance will kick in, and I can go see a doctor to prescribe some sort of miracle drug or antibiotic to kill this funk once and for all.

Actually, I'm more interested in having five nights of work per week. I was looking at the toke book for my days off and I missed a couple of $200+ days. That is truly the biggest bummer of being on the extra board--the missed opportunities. But last night should be a good one as far as money is concerned. I kept a count going of all the tokes I dropped, and I did over $800 by myself. And we had a couple of big players in last night, too, so I'm looking forward to seeing just how much we made.

I'm really hoping I start feeling better today, because tomorrow around noon my friends Kelly and Dane arrive, and I haven't seen them in about two years. I'm picking them up at the airport, then it's off to the liquor store to stock up on the essentials before they check into their hotel. On Tuesday night, we're taking a limousine ride up and down the Strip, then ending up downtown for dinner at Binions Ranch Steakhouse. I can't wait--it'll be a great time.

Also, I was talking to Dane just this morning, and he's a dead-sexy bald man just like myself. So we're planning on a 'spa day' at the Art of Shaving salon there at Mandalay Place--we're both going to get our domes scraped old-school style with the straight-razor shave. I should be so smooth that that my walking speed will jump up another mile per hour or two per hour. That's me, baby--high speed, low drag!

A full report shall follow.

Anyhow, before I go, here's another four things that I forgot to add to yesterday's post:


That is all.


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